2:58 PM•Monday, March 30, 2009
RECENTLY.. i have eaten a lot of mangoes.. cos my dad keep buying mangoes home. n CRABS! haha! KANI!!:DDD eaten once last sunday n another ytd! haha!
PEPPER kani! my fav!^^
holidays r the days i'm surrounded by dbsk! haha! tt's this vid of changmin tt i cant cant laugh when i watched, n it keeps flashing in my head! when i'm sad ppl, pls show me this.. haha!
ohhh! i haven thank lili for the gmps coaching! THANKS!:))))

OH yea! i'm addicted to mr bean again! hurray! i donated n got a mr bean keychain too!^^
4:16 PM•Friday, March 27, 2009
(although it's a bit late..:D)
ohyea! i'm supposed to post abt my first n last day of work! haha! thanks si lun for the job! it's on 25 march, wed frm 1230 to 930.. n tt day is ruth's bdae n 'the secret code' release! yayyy!
the place is at orchard, shaw tower, isetan de ck jeans! ahaha! all i do was put price tag.. quite boring.. lucky tt's a staff thr super hyper n funny! haha! she's a malay lady ard my mum's age.. haha! n i realise quite a lot of malays like to call their frens or wat darling or smt sweet.. haha! tt's veri cool! anyw.. i had fun! haha!
watch this vid! juz press the play button.. haha!
4:33 PM•Tuesday, March 24, 2009
i suppose everyone noes SMAP's song, Lion Heart.. but dunno the lyrics. woah! the lyrics is dam beautiful and touching! i especially like the part "and someday if we had a child...., and sooner or later you will also meet a special someone, just like how i met your mumy." so sweet!^^
credits: purewhiteyt
movie marathon?
5:10 PM•Thursday, March 19, 2009
wed, went out wif freee to have movie marathon! hahah! 2 movies! marley n me then coming soon! haha! actually wanted to watch mall cop, but tt's time limit. haha! marley n me is a nice, touching, warm show! haha! coming soon is quite retarded but scary.. tt's not much of a story behind the ghost show. couple seats yea!! haha! ohya.. feeeee treated me to watch those movies n i treated her olso! haha! :DDD then went off to eat ajisen! n then home we go! haha! was so tired that i slept immediately when i reached home n woke up at ard 12 plus to bathe! hahaha!
some places that i wanna go!:
1. escape
2. east coast (cycling)
3. Kbox or any place that can sing
4. play bball!
will add if tt's more places i wanna go! hahah! ^^
haji lane
2:55 AM•Monday, March 16, 2009
sat went out wif may ya to arab street.. haha! there's quite a lot of shop houses and another side of singapore.. there's a lot of vintage things thr, not cheap olso. haha!
4:00 PM•Thursday, March 12, 2009
here are the pics of CCM dinner and dance! the food was great! but i didn't eat a lot! sad:(( there are olso a lot of programmes( a bit pervert)! haha! but i like the last part.. when i took pics wif my class! haha! 1J02! yayy! there are videos olso.. but troublesome. haha! videos of miss n mr CCM! haha!